123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226 |
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- <!-- Show a splash screen on the activity. Automatically removed when
- Flutter draws its first frame -->
- <item name="android:windowBackground">@drawable/launch_background</item>
- </style>
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- <declare-styleable name="ColorStateListItem">
- <!-- Base color for this state. -->
- <attr name="android:color"/>
- <!-- Alpha multiplier applied to the base color. -->
- <attr format="float" name="alpha"/>
- <attr name="android:alpha"/>
- </declare-styleable>
- <declare-styleable name="FontFamily">
- <!-- The authority of the Font Provider to be used for the request. -->
- <attr format="string" name="fontProviderAuthority"/>
- <!-- The package for the Font Provider to be used for the request. This is used to verify
- the identity of the provider. -->
- <attr format="string" name="fontProviderPackage"/>
- <!-- The query to be sent over to the provider. Refer to your font provider's documentation
- on the format of this string. -->
- <attr format="string" name="fontProviderQuery"/>
- <!-- The sets of hashes for the certificates the provider should be signed with. This is
- used to verify the identity of the provider, and is only required if the provider is not
- part of the system image. This value may point to one list or a list of lists, where each
- individual list represents one collection of signature hashes. Refer to your font provider's
- documentation for these values. -->
- <attr format="reference" name="fontProviderCerts"/>
- <!-- The strategy to be used when fetching font data from a font provider in XML layouts.
- This attribute is ignored when the resource is loaded from code, as it is equivalent to the
- choice of API between {@link
- androidx.core.content.res.ResourcesCompat#getFont(Context, int)} (blocking) and
- {@link
- androidx.core.content.res.ResourcesCompat#getFont(Context, int, FontCallback, Handler)}
- (async). -->
- <attr name="fontProviderFetchStrategy">
- <!-- The blocking font fetch works as follows.
- First, check the local cache, then if the requested font is not cached, request the
- font from the provider and wait until it is finished. You can change the length of
- the timeout by modifying fontProviderFetchTimeout. If the timeout happens, the
- default typeface will be used instead. -->
- <enum name="blocking" value="0"/>
- <!-- The async font fetch works as follows.
- First, check the local cache, then if the requeted font is not cached, trigger a
- request the font and continue with layout inflation. Once the font fetch succeeds, the
- target text view will be refreshed with the downloaded font data. The
- fontProviderFetchTimeout will be ignored if async loading is specified. -->
- <enum name="async" value="1"/>
- </attr>
- <!-- The length of the timeout during fetching. -->
- <attr format="integer" name="fontProviderFetchTimeout">
- <!-- A special value for the timeout. In this case, the blocking font fetching will not
- timeout and wait until a reply is received from the font provider. -->
- <enum name="forever" value="-1"/>
- </attr>
- </declare-styleable>
- <declare-styleable name="FontFamilyFont">
- <!-- The style of the given font file. This will be used when the font is being loaded into
- the font stack and will override any style information in the font's header tables. If
- unspecified, the value in the font's header tables will be used. -->
- <attr name="fontStyle">
- <enum name="normal" value="0"/>
- <enum name="italic" value="1"/>
- </attr>
- <!-- The reference to the font file to be used. This should be a file in the res/font folder
- and should therefore have an R reference value. E.g. @font/myfont -->
- <attr format="reference" name="font"/>
- <!-- The weight of the given font file. This will be used when the font is being loaded into
- the font stack and will override any weight information in the font's header tables. Must
- be a positive number, a multiple of 100, and between 100 and 900, inclusive. The most
- common values are 400 for regular weight and 700 for bold weight. If unspecified, the value
- in the font's header tables will be used. -->
- <attr format="integer" name="fontWeight"/>
- <!-- The variation settings to be applied to the font. The string should be in the following
- format: "'tag1' value1, 'tag2' value2, ...". If the default variation settings should be
- used, or the font used does not support variation settings, this attribute needs not be
- specified. -->
- <attr format="string" name="fontVariationSettings"/>
- <!-- The index of the font in the tcc font file. If the font file referenced is not in the
- tcc format, this attribute needs not be specified. -->
- <attr format="integer" name="ttcIndex"/>
- <!-- References to the framework attrs -->
- <attr name="android:fontStyle"/>
- <attr name="android:font"/>
- <attr name="android:fontWeight"/>
- <attr name="android:fontVariationSettings"/>
- <attr name="android:ttcIndex"/>
- </declare-styleable>
- <declare-styleable name="GradientColor">
- <!-- Start color of the gradient. -->
- <attr name="android:startColor"/>
- <!-- Optional center color. -->
- <attr name="android:centerColor"/>
- <!-- End color of the gradient. -->
- <attr name="android:endColor"/>
- <!-- Type of gradient. The default type is linear. -->
- <attr name="android:type"/>
- <!-- Only applied to RadialGradient-->
- <!-- Radius of the gradient, used only with radial gradient. -->
- <attr name="android:gradientRadius"/>
- <!-- Only applied to SweepGradient / RadialGradient-->
- <!-- X coordinate of the center of the gradient within the path. -->
- <attr name="android:centerX"/>
- <!-- Y coordinate of the center of the gradient within the path. -->
- <attr name="android:centerY"/>
- <!-- LinearGradient specific -->
- <!-- X coordinate of the start point origin of the gradient.
- Defined in same coordinates as the path itself -->
- <attr name="android:startX"/>
- <!-- Y coordinate of the start point of the gradient within the shape.
- Defined in same coordinates as the path itself -->
- <attr name="android:startY"/>
- <!-- X coordinate of the end point origin of the gradient.
- Defined in same coordinates as the path itself -->
- <attr name="android:endX"/>
- <!-- Y coordinate of the end point of the gradient within the shape.
- Defined in same coordinates as the path itself -->
- <attr name="android:endY"/>
- <!-- Defines the tile mode of the gradient. SweepGradient doesn't support tiling. -->
- <attr name="android:tileMode"/>
- </declare-styleable>
- <declare-styleable name="GradientColorItem">
- <!-- The offset (or ratio) of this current color item inside the gradient.
- The value is only meaningful when it is between 0 and 1. -->
- <attr name="android:offset"/>
- <!-- The current color for the offset inside the gradient. -->
- <attr name="android:color"/>
- </declare-styleable>
- </resources>