Тайлбар байхгүй

datangyun 38f53d1be3 001 11 сар өмнө
android 38f53d1be3 001 11 сар өмнө
images 38f53d1be3 001 11 сар өмнө
ios 38f53d1be3 001 11 сар өмнө
lib 38f53d1be3 001 11 сар өмнө
test 38f53d1be3 001 11 сар өмнө
.gitignore 38f53d1be3 001 11 сар өмнө
.metadata 38f53d1be3 001 11 сар өмнө
README.md 38f53d1be3 001 11 сар өмнө
analysis_options.yaml 38f53d1be3 001 11 сар өмнө
pubspec.lock 38f53d1be3 001 11 сар өмнө
pubspec.yaml 38f53d1be3 001 11 сар өмнө



A new Flutter application.

Getting Started

This project is a starting point for a Flutter application.

A few resources to get you started if this is your first Flutter project:

For help getting started with Flutter development, view the online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.