// GENERATED CODE - DO NOT MODIFY BY HAND import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:intl/intl.dart'; import 'intl/messages_all.dart'; // ************************************************************************** // Generator: Flutter Intl IDE plugin // Made by Localizely // ************************************************************************** // ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, lines_longer_than_80_chars // ignore_for_file: join_return_with_assignment, prefer_final_in_for_each // ignore_for_file: avoid_redundant_argument_values, avoid_escaping_inner_quotes class S { S(); static S? _current; static S get current { assert(_current != null, 'No instance of S was loaded. Try to initialize the S delegate before accessing S.current.'); return _current!; } static const AppLocalizationDelegate delegate = AppLocalizationDelegate(); static Future load(Locale locale) { final name = (locale.countryCode?.isEmpty ?? false) ? locale.languageCode : locale.toString(); final localeName = Intl.canonicalizedLocale(name); return initializeMessages(localeName).then((_) { Intl.defaultLocale = localeName; final instance = S(); S._current = instance; return instance; }); } static S of(BuildContext context) { final instance = S.maybeOf(context); assert(instance != null, 'No instance of S present in the widget tree. Did you add S.delegate in localizationsDelegates?'); return instance!; } static S? maybeOf(BuildContext context) { return Localizations.of(context, S); } /// `English` String get LAUGUAGE { return Intl.message( 'English', name: 'LAUGUAGE', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `exchange` String get DUIHUAN { return Intl.message( 'exchange', name: 'DUIHUAN', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Cross chain` String get KUALIAN { return Intl.message( 'Cross chain', name: 'KUALIAN', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `price` String get HANGQING { return Intl.message( 'price', name: 'HANGQING', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `You will pay` String get NINJIANGZHIFU { return Intl.message( 'You will pay', name: 'NINJIANGZHIFU', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `balance` String get YUE { return Intl.message( 'balance', name: 'YUE', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `You will receive` String get NINJIANGDEDAO { return Intl.message( 'You will receive', name: 'NINJIANGDEDAO', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Please enter or select your target wallet address` String get QINGSHURUHUOXUANZENINDEMUBIAOQIANBAODIZHI { return Intl.message( 'Please enter or select your target wallet address', name: 'QINGSHURUHUOXUANZENINDEMUBIAOQIANBAODIZHI', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Redemption Preview` String get DUIHUANYULAN { return Intl.message( 'Redemption Preview', name: 'DUIHUANYULAN', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `quotation` String get BAOJIA { return Intl.message( 'quotation', name: 'BAOJIA', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Flash Transfer Record` String get SHANDUIJILU { return Intl.message( 'Flash Transfer Record', name: 'SHANDUIJILU', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `BAKE wallet` String get BAKEQIANBAO { return Intl.message( 'BAKE wallet', name: 'BAKEQIANBAO', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `market` String get SHICHANG { return Intl.message( 'market', name: 'SHICHANG', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `find` String get FAXIAN { return Intl.message( 'find', name: 'FAXIAN', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `set up` String get SHEZHI { return Intl.message( 'set up', name: 'SHEZHI', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `transfer accounts` String get ZHUANZHANG { return Intl.message( 'transfer accounts', name: 'ZHUANZHANG', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Collection` String get SHOUKUAN { return Intl.message( 'Collection', name: 'SHOUKUAN', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Flash exchange` String get SHANDUI { return Intl.message( 'Flash exchange', name: 'SHANDUI', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Treasury` String get DEJINKU { return Intl.message( 'Treasury', name: 'DEJINKU', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Manage Wallets` String get GUANLIQIANBAO { return Intl.message( 'Manage Wallets', name: 'GUANLIQIANBAO', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Common addresses` String get CHANGYONGDIZHI { return Intl.message( 'Common addresses', name: 'CHANGYONGDIZHI', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Dark mode` String get HEIANMOSHI { return Intl.message( 'Dark mode', name: 'HEIANMOSHI', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Sharing apps` String get FENXIANGYINGYONG { return Intl.message( 'Sharing apps', name: 'FENXIANGYINGYONG', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Wallet Description` String get QIANBAOSHUOMING { return Intl.message( 'Wallet Description', name: 'QIANBAOSHUOMING', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `About us` String get GUANYUMOMEN { return Intl.message( 'About us', name: 'GUANYUMOMEN', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `System settings` String get XITONGSHEZHI { return Intl.message( 'System settings', name: 'XITONGSHEZHI', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `back` String get FANHUI { return Intl.message( 'back', name: 'FANHUI', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `No wallet` String get MEIYOUQIANBAO { return Intl.message( 'No wallet', name: 'MEIYOUQIANBAO', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Creating a blockchain wallet` String get CHUANGJIANQUKUAILIANQIANBAO { return Intl.message( 'Creating a blockchain wallet', name: 'CHUANGJIANQUKUAILIANQIANBAO', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Creating a wallet` String get CHUANGJIANQIANBAO { return Intl.message( 'Creating a wallet', name: 'CHUANGJIANQIANBAO', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Creating a wallet` String get CHUANGJIANQIANBAO2 { return Intl.message( 'Creating a wallet', name: 'CHUANGJIANQIANBAO2', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Existing wallet` String get YIYOUQIANBAO { return Intl.message( 'Existing wallet', name: 'YIYOUQIANBAO', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Import wallet` String get DAORUQIANBAO { return Intl.message( 'Import wallet', name: 'DAORUQIANBAO', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Continue with the steps and agree` String get JIXUBUZHUOBINGTONGYI { return Intl.message( 'Continue with the steps and agree', name: 'JIXUBUZHUOBINGTONGYI', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `User Agreement` String get YINGHUXIEYI { return Intl.message( 'User Agreement', name: 'YINGHUXIEYI', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Wallet security knowledge` String get QIANBAOANQUANZHISHI { return Intl.message( 'Wallet security knowledge', name: 'QIANBAOANQUANZHISHI', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Backup mnemonics` String get BEIFENZHUJICI { return Intl.message( 'Backup mnemonics', name: 'BEIFENZHUJICI', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Backup mnemonics` String get BEIFENZHUJICI2 { return Intl.message( 'Backup mnemonics', name: 'BEIFENZHUJICI2', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Verify mnemonics` String get YANZHENGZHUJICI { return Intl.message( 'Verify mnemonics', name: 'YANZHENGZHUJICI', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Verify mnemonics` String get YANZHENGZHUJICI2 { return Intl.message( 'Verify mnemonics', name: 'YANZHENGZHUJICI2', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Set wallet name` String get SHEZHIQIANBAOMINGCHENG { return Intl.message( 'Set wallet name', name: 'SHEZHIQIANBAOMINGCHENG', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Please enter the wallet name` String get QIANBAOMINGCHENG { return Intl.message( 'Please enter the wallet name', name: 'QIANBAOMINGCHENG', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Set wallet password` String get SHEZHIQIANBAOMIMA { return Intl.message( 'Set wallet password', name: 'SHEZHIQIANBAOMIMA', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Bake Wallet Your password will not be stored, it will only unlock your wallet on this device` String get BAKEWALLETBUHUICUNCHUNINDEMIMA { return Intl.message( 'Bake Wallet Your password will not be stored, it will only unlock your wallet on this device', name: 'BAKEWALLETBUHUICUNCHUNINDEMIMA', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Please enter a password consisting of at least 8 digits and uppercase and lowercase letters` String get ZHISHAOBAWEISHUZIJIDAXIAOXIEZIMU { return Intl.message( 'Please enter a password consisting of at least 8 digits and uppercase and lowercase letters', name: 'ZHISHAOBAWEISHUZIJIDAXIAOXIEZIMU', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Please re-enter the above password to verify its correctness` String get CHONGFUSHURUYISHANGMIMA { return Intl.message( 'Please re-enter the above password to verify its correctness', name: 'CHONGFUSHURUYISHANGMIMA', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Log in using Face ID/fingerprint` String get SHIYONGFACEIDZHIWENDENGLU { return Intl.message( 'Log in using Face ID/fingerprint', name: 'SHIYONGFACEIDZHIWENDENGLU', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `I understand that Bake Wallet is unable to retrieve my password. Carefully read and agree` String get WOLIAOJIEBAKEWALLETWUFAWEIWOZHAOHUIMIMA { return Intl.message( 'I understand that Bake Wallet is unable to retrieve my password. Carefully read and agree', name: 'WOLIAOJIEBAKEWALLETWUFAWEIWOZHAOHUIMIMA', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Wallet knowledge` String get QIANBAPXUZHI { return Intl.message( 'Wallet knowledge', name: 'QIANBAPXUZHI', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Learn the video content and remember the following key points:` String get XUEXISHIPINNEIRONG { return Intl.message( 'Learn the video content and remember the following key points:', name: 'XUEXISHIPINNEIRONG', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Property is controlled by private keys and mnemonics, and once leaked, the asset can be controlled by others! Don't disclose your private key or mnemonic to anyone, including us!` String get CAICHANYOUSIYAOZHUJICIKONGZHI { return Intl.message( 'Property is controlled by private keys and mnemonics, and once leaked, the asset can be controlled by others! Don\'t disclose your private key or mnemonic to anyone, including us!', name: 'CAICHANYOUSIYAOZHUJICIKONGZHI', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Please copy the mnemonic correctly and store it in a safe place, do not transmit or store it online!` String get QINGJIANGZHUJICIZHENGQUECHAOXIE { return Intl.message( 'Please copy the mnemonic correctly and store it in a safe place, do not transmit or store it online!', name: 'QINGJIANGZHUJICIZHENGQUECHAOXIE', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `The wallet password is only used for encryption and decryption of private keys and mnemonics. The wallet password is only stored on the phone and cannot be retrieved if forgotten!` String get QIANBAOMIMAJINYONGYUSIYAO { return Intl.message( 'The wallet password is only used for encryption and decryption of private keys and mnemonics. The wallet password is only stored on the phone and cannot be retrieved if forgotten!', name: 'QIANBAOMIMAJINYONGYUSIYAO', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Do not take screenshots of private keys and mnemonics to avoid being intercepted by malicious software!` String get QINGWUDUISIYAOZHUJICIJIETU { return Intl.message( 'Do not take screenshots of private keys and mnemonics to avoid being intercepted by malicious software!', name: 'QINGWUDUISIYAOZHUJICIJIETU', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `confirm` String get QUEREN { return Intl.message( 'confirm', name: 'QUEREN', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `In the next step, you will see mnemonics (12 words) that can restore the wallet. Please remember the following safety points!` String get ZAIXIAYIBUNINJIANGKANDAOKEYIHUIFU { return Intl.message( 'In the next step, you will see mnemonics (12 words) that can restore the wallet. Please remember the following safety points!', name: 'ZAIXIAYIBUNINJIANGKANDAOKEYIHUIFU', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `If I lose my mnemonic, my property will be lost forever!` String get RUGUOWONONGDUILZHUJICI { return Intl.message( 'If I lose my mnemonic, my property will be lost forever!', name: 'RUGUOWONONGDUILZHUJICI', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `If I disclose or share my mnemonics to anyone, my assets may be stolen!` String get RUGUOWOXIANGRENHERENTOULUHUOFENXIANG { return Intl.message( 'If I disclose or share my mnemonics to anyone, my assets may be stolen!', name: 'RUGUOWOXIANGRENHERENTOULUHUOFENXIANG', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `The responsibility for protecting the safety of mnemonics lies entirely with me!` String get BAOHUHAOZHUJICIDEANQUANZEREN { return Intl.message( 'The responsibility for protecting the safety of mnemonics lies entirely with me!', name: 'BAOHUHAOZHUJICIDEANQUANZEREN', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `next step` String get XIAYIBU { return Intl.message( 'next step', name: 'XIAYIBU', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Important Note` String get ZHONGYAOTISHI { return Intl.message( 'Important Note', name: 'ZHONGYAOTISHI', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Please manually write down your mnemonic on a piece of paper and store it in a safe place` String get QINGSHOUDONGZAIYIZHANGZHISHANG { return Intl.message( 'Please manually write down your mnemonic on a piece of paper and store it in a safe place', name: 'QINGSHOUDONGZAIYIZHANGZHISHANG', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Please do not disclose the mnemonic to anyone. Once the mnemonic is lost, the asset will not be recoverable` String get QINGWUJIANGZHUJICITOULOU { return Intl.message( 'Please do not disclose the mnemonic to anyone. Once the mnemonic is lost, the asset will not be recoverable', name: 'QINGWUJIANGZHUJICITOULOU', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Do not backup and save mnemonics through screenshots or network transmission` String get QINGWUTONGGUOJIEPING { return Intl.message( 'Do not backup and save mnemonics through screenshots or network transmission', name: 'QINGWUTONGGUOJIEPING', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Do not easily uninstall the wallet app` String get QINGWUQINGYIXIEZAI { return Intl.message( 'Do not easily uninstall the wallet app', name: 'QINGWUQINGYIXIEZAI', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Suggest keeping multiple places secret` String get JIANYIDUOGEDIFANG { return Intl.message( 'Suggest keeping multiple places secret', name: 'JIANYIDUOGEDIFANG', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Backup completed, verify immediately` String get BEIFENWANCHENG { return Intl.message( 'Backup completed, verify immediately', name: 'BEIFENWANCHENG', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Please fill in the order of backup mnemonics` String get QINGANZHAOBEIFENZHUJICISHUNXUTIANCHONG { return Intl.message( 'Please fill in the order of backup mnemonics', name: 'QINGANZHAOBEIFENZHUJICISHUNXUTIANCHONG', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `The order of mnemonic words is incorrect. Please check and fill in the correct order of mnemonic words` String get ZHUJICISHUNXUCUOWUQINGJIANCHAHOU { return Intl.message( 'The order of mnemonic words is incorrect. Please check and fill in the correct order of mnemonic words', name: 'ZHUJICISHUNXUCUOWUQINGJIANCHAHOU', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Confirm Import` String get QUERENDAORU { return Intl.message( 'Confirm Import', name: 'QUERENDAORU', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Wallet management` String get QIANBAOGUANLI { return Intl.message( 'Wallet management', name: 'QIANBAOGUANLI', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Wallet management` String get QIANBAOGUANLI2 { return Intl.message( 'Wallet management', name: 'QIANBAOGUANLI2', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Wallet details` String get QIANBAOXIANGQING { return Intl.message( 'Wallet details', name: 'QIANBAOXIANGQING', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Wallet details` String get QIANBAOXIANGQING2 { return Intl.message( 'Wallet details', name: 'QIANBAOXIANGQING2', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Export private key` String get DAOCHUSIYAO { return Intl.message( 'Export private key', name: 'DAOCHUSIYAO', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Export Keystore` String get DAOCHUKEYSTORE { return Intl.message( 'Export Keystore', name: 'DAOCHUKEYSTORE', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Wallet synchronization` String get QIANBAOTONGBU { return Intl.message( 'Wallet synchronization', name: 'QIANBAOTONGBU', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `white list` String get BAIMINGDAN { return Intl.message( 'white list', name: 'BAIMINGDAN', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Delete Wallet` String get SHANCHUQIANBAO { return Intl.message( 'Delete Wallet', name: 'SHANCHUQIANBAO', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `This address only supports BSC/BEP20 related assets` String get GAIDIZHIJINZHICHIBSC { return Intl.message( 'This address only supports BSC/BEP20 related assets', name: 'GAIDIZHIJINZHICHIBSC', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Receiving address` String get JIESHOUDIZHI { return Intl.message( 'Receiving address', name: 'JIESHOUDIZHI', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `share` String get FENXIANG { return Intl.message( 'share', name: 'FENXIANG', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `copy` String get FUZHI { return Intl.message( 'copy', name: 'FUZHI', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Copied to Pasteboard` String get YIFUZHIDAOZHANTIEBAN { return Intl.message( 'Copied to Pasteboard', name: 'YIFUZHIDAOZHANTIEBAN', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Choose a wallet` String get XUANZEQIANBAO { return Intl.message( 'Choose a wallet', name: 'XUANZEQIANBAO', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Transfer quantity` String get ZHUANZHANGSHULIANG { return Intl.message( 'Transfer quantity', name: 'ZHUANZHANGSHULIANG', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Account balance` String get ZHANGHUYUE { return Intl.message( 'Account balance', name: 'ZHANGHUYUE', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Network fees` String get WANGLUOFEI { return Intl.message( 'Network fees', name: 'WANGLUOFEI', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Advanced mode` String get GAOJIMOSHI { return Intl.message( 'Advanced mode', name: 'GAOJIMOSHI', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `custom` String get ZIDINGYI { return Intl.message( 'custom', name: 'ZIDINGYI', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `minute` String get FENZHONG { return Intl.message( 'minute', name: 'FENZHONG', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `second` String get MIAO { return Intl.message( 'second', name: 'MIAO', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `slow` String get MAN { return Intl.message( 'slow', name: 'MAN', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `recommend` String get TUIJIAN { return Intl.message( 'recommend', name: 'TUIJIAN', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `fast` String get KUAI { return Intl.message( 'fast', name: 'KUAI', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `determine` String get QUEDING { return Intl.message( 'determine', name: 'QUEDING', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Please enter the transfer quantity` String get QINGSHURUZHUANZHANGSHULIANG { return Intl.message( 'Please enter the transfer quantity', name: 'QINGSHURUZHUANZHANGSHULIANG', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `language` String get YUYAN { return Intl.message( 'language', name: 'YUYAN', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Node Settings` String get JIEDIANSHEZHI { return Intl.message( 'Node Settings', name: 'JIEDIANSHEZHI', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Theme mode` String get ZHUTIMOSHI { return Intl.message( 'Theme mode', name: 'ZHUTIMOSHI', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `monetary unit` String get HUOBIDANWEI { return Intl.message( 'monetary unit', name: 'HUOBIDANWEI', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Market setting` String get HANGQINGSHEZHI { return Intl.message( 'Market setting', name: 'HANGQINGSHEZHI', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Benchmark for price fluctuations` String get ZHANGDIEFUJIZHUN { return Intl.message( 'Benchmark for price fluctuations', name: 'ZHANGDIEFUJIZHUN', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `application lock` String get YINGYONGSUO { return Intl.message( 'application lock', name: 'YINGYONGSUO', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `One click migration` String get YIJIANQIANYI { return Intl.message( 'One click migration', name: 'YIJIANQIANYI', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `DApp whitelist function` String get DAPPBAIMINGDAN { return Intl.message( 'DApp whitelist function', name: 'DAPPBAIMINGDAN', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Enable Nostr` String get KAIQINOSTR { return Intl.message( 'Enable Nostr', name: 'KAIQINOSTR', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Developer Mode` String get KAIFAZHEMOSHI { return Intl.message( 'Developer Mode', name: 'KAIFAZHEMOSHI', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `network detection` String get WANGLUOJIANCE { return Intl.message( 'network detection', name: 'WANGLUOJIANCE', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Clear Cache` String get QINGCHUHUANCUN { return Intl.message( 'Clear Cache', name: 'QINGCHUHUANCUN', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `System settings` String get XITONGSHEZHI2 { return Intl.message( 'System settings', name: 'XITONGSHEZHI2', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `name` String get MINGCHENG { return Intl.message( 'name', name: 'MINGCHENG', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `24-hour transaction volume` String get HCHENGJIAOE { return Intl.message( '24-hour transaction volume', name: 'HCHENGJIAOE', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Latest price` String get ZUIXINJIA { return Intl.message( 'Latest price', name: 'ZUIXINJIA', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `24-hour ups and downs` String get HZHANGDIE { return Intl.message( '24-hour ups and downs', name: 'HZHANGDIE', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Token Details` String get DAIBIXIANGQING { return Intl.message( 'Token Details', name: 'DAIBIXIANGQING', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `price` String get JIAGE { return Intl.message( 'price', name: 'JIAGE', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `You have enabled the function of hiding small transaction records` String get NINYIKAIQIYINCANGXIAOEJIAOYI { return Intl.message( 'You have enabled the function of hiding small transaction records', name: 'NINYIKAIQIYINCANGXIAOEJIAOYI', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Transaction records` String get JIAOYIJILU { return Intl.message( 'Transaction records', name: 'JIAOYIJILU', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Wallet name cannot be empty` String get QIANBAOMINGCHENGBUNENGWEIKONG { return Intl.message( 'Wallet name cannot be empty', name: 'QIANBAOMINGCHENGBUNENGWEIKONG', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Password cannot be empty` String get MIMABUNENGWEIKONG { return Intl.message( 'Password cannot be empty', name: 'MIMABUNENGWEIKONG', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Please re-enter the password to verify its correctness` String get QINGCHONGFUSHURUMIMAYANZHENG { return Intl.message( 'Please re-enter the password to verify its correctness', name: 'QINGCHONGFUSHURUMIMAYANZHENG', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Click to check for relevant prompts on password retrieval` String get DIANJIXUANZHONGLIAOJIEMIMAZHAOHUI { return Intl.message( 'Click to check for relevant prompts on password retrieval', name: 'DIANJIXUANZHONGLIAOJIEMIMAZHAOHUI', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `The two password inputs are inconsistent` String get LIANGCIMIMASHURUBUYIZHI { return Intl.message( 'The two password inputs are inconsistent', name: 'LIANGCIMIMASHURUBUYIZHI', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Incorrect password format` String get MIMAGESHIBUZHENGQUE { return Intl.message( 'Incorrect password format', name: 'MIMAGESHIBUZHENGQUE', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Please select all prompts to indicate understanding` String get QINGXUANZHONGSUOYOUTISHIYIBIAOSHILIAOJIE { return Intl.message( 'Please select all prompts to indicate understanding', name: 'QINGXUANZHONGSUOYOUTISHIYIBIAOSHILIAOJIE', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Please confirm that you have backed up the mnemonics` String get QINGQUERENNIYIJINGBEIFENLEZHUJICI { return Intl.message( 'Please confirm that you have backed up the mnemonics', name: 'QINGQUERENNIYIJINGBEIFENLEZHUJICI', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `yes` String get SHI { return Intl.message( 'yes', name: 'SHI', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `no` String get FOU { return Intl.message( 'no', name: 'FOU', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Please agree to the user agreement before proceeding with the steps` String get JIXUBUZHUOQINGXIANTONGYIYONGHUXIEYI { return Intl.message( 'Please agree to the user agreement before proceeding with the steps', name: 'JIXUBUZHUOQINGXIANTONGYIYONGHUXIEYI', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Please enter mnemonics and separate them with the space bar` String get QINGSHURUZHUJICIYIKONGGE { return Intl.message( 'Please enter mnemonics and separate them with the space bar', name: 'QINGSHURUZHUJICIYIKONGGE', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Keystore file` String get KEYSTOREWENJIAN { return Intl.message( 'Keystore file', name: 'KEYSTOREWENJIAN', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `QR code` String get ERWEIMA { return Intl.message( 'QR code', name: 'ERWEIMA', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Offline save` String get LIXIANBAOCUN { return Intl.message( 'Offline save', name: 'LIXIANBAOCUN', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Please copy and paste the Kevstore file to a safe and offline location to save. Do not save to emails, notepads, online drives, chat tools, etc. It is very dangerous` String get QINGFUZHIZHANTIE { return Intl.message( 'Please copy and paste the Kevstore file to a safe and offline location to save. Do not save to emails, notepads, online drives, chat tools, etc. It is very dangerous', name: 'QINGFUZHIZHANTIE', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Do not use network transmission` String get QINGWUSHIYONGWANGLUO { return Intl.message( 'Do not use network transmission', name: 'QINGWUSHIYONGWANGLUO', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Do not transfer Keystore files through network tools. Once obtained by hackers, it will cause irreparable asset losses. Suggest offline devices to transmit by scanning QR codes` String get QINGWUTONGGYOWANGLUOGONGJU { return Intl.message( 'Do not transfer Keystore files through network tools. Once obtained by hackers, it will cause irreparable asset losses. Suggest offline devices to transmit by scanning QR codes', name: 'QINGWUTONGGYOWANGLUOGONGJU', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `密码保险箱保存` String get MIMABAOXIANXIANGBAOCUN { return Intl.message( '密码保险箱保存', name: 'MIMABAOXIANXIANGBAOCUN', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `If you need to save online, it is recommended to use password storage software such as 1Password with a higher security level to save the Keystore` String get RUXUZAIXIANBAOCUN { return Intl.message( 'If you need to save online, it is recommended to use password storage software such as 1Password with a higher security level to save the Keystore', name: 'RUXUZAIXIANBAOCUN', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `For direct scanning only` String get JINGONGZHIJIESAOMIAO { return Intl.message( 'For direct scanning only', name: 'JINGONGZHIJIESAOMIAO', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `The QR code prohibits saving, taking screenshots, and taking photos. Only for users to scan directly in a secure environment to easily import wallets` String get ERWEIMAJINZHIBAOCUN { return Intl.message( 'The QR code prohibits saving, taking screenshots, and taking photos. Only for users to scan directly in a secure environment to easily import wallets', name: 'ERWEIMAJINZHIBAOCUN', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Use in a safe environment` String get ZAIANQUANHUANJING { return Intl.message( 'Use in a safe environment', name: 'ZAIANQUANHUANJING', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Please use in a safe environment while ensuring that there are no people or cameras around. Once the QR code is obtained by others, it will cause irreparable asset losses` String get ZAIANQUANHUANJINGSHIYONGQINGZAIQUEBAO { return Intl.message( 'Please use in a safe environment while ensuring that there are no people or cameras around. Once the QR code is obtained by others, it will cause irreparable asset losses', name: 'ZAIANQUANHUANJINGSHIYONGQINGZAIQUEBAO', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Private key address` String get SIYAODIZHI { return Intl.message( 'Private key address', name: 'SIYAODIZHI', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `password authentication` String get MIMAYANZHENG { return Intl.message( 'password authentication', name: 'MIMAYANZHENG', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Please enter the password` String get QINGSHURMIMA { return Intl.message( 'Please enter the password', name: 'QINGSHURMIMA', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `cancellation` String get QUXIAO { return Intl.message( 'cancellation', name: 'QUXIAO', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Password error` String get MIMACUOWU { return Intl.message( 'Password error', name: 'MIMACUOWU', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Private Key Import` String get SIYAODAORU { return Intl.message( 'Private Key Import', name: 'SIYAODAORU', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Import by entering a plaintext private key or scanning a QR code` String get TONGGUOSHURUMINGWENSIYAO { return Intl.message( 'Import by entering a plaintext private key or scanning a QR code', name: 'TONGGUOSHURUMINGWENSIYAO', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Introduction of mnemonics` String get ZHUJICIDAORU { return Intl.message( 'Introduction of mnemonics', name: 'ZHUJICIDAORU', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Import by entering mnemonics or scanning QR codes` String get TONGGUOSHURUZHUJICI { return Intl.message( 'Import by entering mnemonics or scanning QR codes', name: 'TONGGUOSHURUZHUJICI', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Keystore import` String get KEYSTOREDAORU { return Intl.message( 'Keystore import', name: 'KEYSTOREDAORU', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Import by entering the content of the Keystore file or scanning the QR code` String get TONGGUOSHURUKEYSTORE { return Intl.message( 'Import by entering the content of the Keystore file or scanning the QR code', name: 'TONGGUOSHURUKEYSTORE', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Please enter the private key` String get QINGSHURUSIYAO { return Intl.message( 'Please enter the private key', name: 'QINGSHURUSIYAO', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Please enter Keystore` String get QINGSHURUKEYSTORE { return Intl.message( 'Please enter Keystore', name: 'QINGSHURUKEYSTORE', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Please enter the Keystore password` String get QINGSHURUKEYSTOREMIMA { return Intl.message( 'Please enter the Keystore password', name: 'QINGSHURUKEYSTOREMIMA', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Keystore password` String get KEYSTOREMIMA { return Intl.message( 'Keystore password', name: 'KEYSTOREMIMA', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Exchange quotation` String get DUIHUANBAOJIA { return Intl.message( 'Exchange quotation', name: 'DUIHUANBAOJIA', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Maximum sliding price difference` String get ZUIDAHUADONGCHAJIA { return Intl.message( 'Maximum sliding price difference', name: 'ZUIDAHUADONGCHAJIA', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `commission` String get SHOUXUFEI { return Intl.message( 'commission', name: 'SHOUXUFEI', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `price impact` String get JIAGEYINGXIANG { return Intl.message( 'price impact', name: 'JIAGEYINGXIANG', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Recent redemption records` String get ZUIJINDUIHUANJILU { return Intl.message( 'Recent redemption records', name: 'ZUIJINDUIHUANJILU', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `More records` String get GENGDUOJILU { return Intl.message( 'More records', name: 'GENGDUOJILU', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `success` String get CHENGGONG { return Intl.message( 'success', name: 'CHENGGONG', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `fail` String get SHIBAI { return Intl.message( 'fail', name: 'SHIBAI', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Please select a transfer address` String get QINGXUANZEZHUANZHANGDIZHI { return Intl.message( 'Please select a transfer address', name: 'QINGXUANZEZHUANZHANGDIZHI', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Please improve the receiving address` String get QINGWANSHANJIESHOUDIZHI { return Intl.message( 'Please improve the receiving address', name: 'QINGWANSHANJIESHOUDIZHI', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Please fill in the transfer quantity` String get QINGTIANXIEZHUANZHANGSHULIANG { return Intl.message( 'Please fill in the transfer quantity', name: 'QINGTIANXIEZHUANZHANGSHULIANG', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Please select` String get QINGXUANZE { return Intl.message( 'Please select', name: 'QINGXUANZE', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Please enter the payment amount` String get QINGSHURUZHIFUJINE { return Intl.message( 'Please enter the payment amount', name: 'QINGSHURUZHIFUJINE', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Please enter the number of cross chain assets` String get QINGSHURUKUALIANZICHANSHULIANG { return Intl.message( 'Please enter the number of cross chain assets', name: 'QINGSHURUKUALIANZICHANSHULIANG', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Transfer out chain` String get ZHUANCHULIAN { return Intl.message( 'Transfer out chain', name: 'ZHUANCHULIAN', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Receiving Chain` String get JIESHOULIAN { return Intl.message( 'Receiving Chain', name: 'JIESHOULIAN', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Please enter the website address` String get QINGSHURUWANGZHI { return Intl.message( 'Please enter the website address', name: 'QINGSHURUWANGZHI', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Add commonly used addresses` String get TIANJIACHANGYONGDIZHI { return Intl.message( 'Add commonly used addresses', name: 'TIANJIACHANGYONGDIZHI', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `All networks` String get QUANBUWANGLUO { return Intl.message( 'All networks', name: 'QUANBUWANGLUO', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `You don't have any contacts yet` String get NINXIANZAIHAIMEIYOULIANXIREN { return Intl.message( 'You don\'t have any contacts yet', name: 'NINXIANZAIHAIMEIYOULIANXIREN', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `New Contact` String get XINJIANLIANXIREN { return Intl.message( 'New Contact', name: 'XINJIANLIANXIREN', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Transfer submitted successfully` String get ZHUANZHANGTIJIAOCHENGGONG { return Intl.message( 'Transfer submitted successfully', name: 'ZHUANZHANGTIJIAOCHENGGONG', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Transfer submission failed` String get ZHUANZHANGTIJIAOSHIBAI { return Intl.message( 'Transfer submission failed', name: 'ZHUANZHANGTIJIAOSHIBAI', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Cross chain submission successful` String get KUALIANTIJIAOCHENGGONG { return Intl.message( 'Cross chain submission successful', name: 'KUALIANTIJIAOCHENGGONG', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Cross chain submission failed` String get KUALIANTIJIAOSHIBAI { return Intl.message( 'Cross chain submission failed', name: 'KUALIANTIJIAOSHIBAI', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Redemption submitted successfully` String get DUIHUANTIJIAOCHENGGONG { return Intl.message( 'Redemption submitted successfully', name: 'DUIHUANTIJIAOCHENGGONG', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Redemption submission failed` String get DUIHUANTIJIAOSHIBAI { return Intl.message( 'Redemption submission failed', name: 'DUIHUANTIJIAOSHIBAI', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Language settings` String get YUYANSHEZHI { return Intl.message( 'Language settings', name: 'YUYANSHEZHI', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Theme Settings` String get ZHUTISHEZHI { return Intl.message( 'Theme Settings', name: 'ZHUTISHEZHI', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `WechatIMG314zh` String get FENXIANGTUPIAN { return Intl.message( 'WechatIMG314zh', name: 'FENXIANGTUPIAN', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Update` String get BANBENGENGXIN { return Intl.message( 'Update', name: 'BANBENGENGXIN', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Update log` String get GENGXINRIZHI { return Intl.message( 'Update log', name: 'GENGXINRIZHI', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `User Agreement` String get YONGHUXIEYI { return Intl.message( 'User Agreement', name: 'YONGHUXIEYI', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `official channels` String get GUANFANGQUDAO { return Intl.message( 'official channels', name: 'GUANFANGQUDAO', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `current version` String get DANGQIANBANBEN { return Intl.message( 'current version', name: 'DANGQIANBANBEN', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Successful transaction` String get JIAOYICHENGGONG { return Intl.message( 'Successful transaction', name: 'JIAOYICHENGGONG', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Transaction failed` String get JIAOYISHIBAI { return Intl.message( 'Transaction failed', name: 'JIAOYISHIBAI', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `In transaction` String get JIAOYIZHONG { return Intl.message( 'In transaction', name: 'JIAOYIZHONG', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `transaction details` String get JIAOYIXIANGQING { return Intl.message( 'transaction details', name: 'JIAOYIXIANGQING', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Sender` String get FASONGFANG { return Intl.message( 'Sender', name: 'FASONGFANG', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `receiver` String get JIESHOUFANG { return Intl.message( 'receiver', name: 'JIESHOUFANG', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Transaction Hash` String get JIAOYIHAXI { return Intl.message( 'Transaction Hash', name: 'JIAOYIHAXI', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `block height` String get QUKUAIGAODU { return Intl.message( 'block height', name: 'QUKUAIGAODU', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Trading Hours` String get JIAOYISHIJIAN { return Intl.message( 'Trading Hours', name: 'JIAOYISHIJIAN', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `property` String get ZICHAN { return Intl.message( 'property', name: 'ZICHAN', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Collection` String get CANGPIN { return Intl.message( 'Collection', name: 'CANGPIN', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `empower` String get SHOUQUAN { return Intl.message( 'empower', name: 'SHOUQUAN', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `nodal velocity` String get JIEDIANSUDU { return Intl.message( 'nodal velocity', name: 'JIEDIANSUDU', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Block height: The higher the height value, the more complete the synchronization of node data and its stability. When the node speed is similar, choosing a higher node has a better experience.` String get QUKUAIGAODUGAODUZHIYUEDA { return Intl.message( 'Block height: The higher the height value, the more complete the synchronization of node data and its stability. When the node speed is similar, choosing a higher node has a better experience.', name: 'QUKUAIGAODUGAODUZHIYUEDA', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Recommended nodes` String get RUIJIANJIEDIAN { return Intl.message( 'Recommended nodes', name: 'RUIJIANJIEDIAN', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Add Custom Node` String get RIANJIAZIDINGYIJIEDIAN { return Intl.message( 'Add Custom Node', name: 'RIANJIAZIDINGYIJIEDIAN', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `dark` String get HEIYE { return Intl.message( 'dark', name: 'HEIYE', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `light` String get BAITIAN { return Intl.message( 'light', name: 'BAITIAN', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `RMB` String get RENMINBI { return Intl.message( 'RMB', name: 'RENMINBI', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `dollar` String get MEIYUAN { return Intl.message( 'dollar', name: 'MEIYUAN', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Green rise and red fall` String get LVZHANGHONGDIE { return Intl.message( 'Green rise and red fall', name: 'LVZHANGHONGDIE', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Red rise and green fall` String get HONGZHANGLVDIE { return Intl.message( 'Red rise and green fall', name: 'HONGZHANGLVDIE', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Cache cleared` String get HAUNCUNYIQINGCHU { return Intl.message( 'Cache cleared', name: 'HAUNCUNYIQINGCHU', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Select Network` String get XUANZEWANGLUO { return Intl.message( 'Select Network', name: 'XUANZEWANGLUO', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `complete` String get WANCHENG { return Intl.message( 'complete', name: 'WANCHENG', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `sort` String get PAIXU { return Intl.message( 'sort', name: 'PAIXU', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `message center` String get XIAOXIZHONGXIN { return Intl.message( 'message center', name: 'XIAOXIZHONGXIN', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `All read` String get QUANBUYIDU { return Intl.message( 'All read', name: 'QUANBUYIDU', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Transfer Notice` String get ZHUANZHANGTONGZHI { return Intl.message( 'Transfer Notice', name: 'ZHUANZHANGTONGZHI', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `System messages` String get XITONGXIAOXI { return Intl.message( 'System messages', name: 'XITONGXIAOXI', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Are you sure you want to delete this wallet?` String get QUEDINGYAOSHANCHUQIANBAO { return Intl.message( 'Are you sure you want to delete this wallet?', name: 'QUEDINGYAOSHANCHUQIANBAO', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Before deleting, please backup your mnemonic and private key. Once deleted, it will no longer be retrieved. Please confirm that you still need to delete it?` String get SHANCHUQIANQINGBEIFEN { return Intl.message( 'Before deleting, please backup your mnemonic and private key. Once deleted, it will no longer be retrieved. Please confirm that you still need to delete it?', name: 'SHANCHUQIANQINGBEIFEN', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Known, continue` String get YIZHIXIAOJIXU { return Intl.message( 'Known, continue', name: 'YIZHIXIAOJIXU', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Observing the wallet` String get GUANCHAQIANBAO { return Intl.message( 'Observing the wallet', name: 'GUANCHAQIANBAO', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `No need to import private key, enter the account or corresponding public key to import` String get WUXUDAORUSIYAO { return Intl.message( 'No need to import private key, enter the account or corresponding public key to import', name: 'WUXUDAORUSIYAO', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Please enter the observation wallet address` String get QINGSHURUGUANCHAQIANBAODIZHI { return Intl.message( 'Please enter the observation wallet address', name: 'QINGSHURUGUANCHAQIANBAODIZHI', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Observing a wallet does not require importing a private key, only an address for daily checking of accounts, transaction records, and receiving notifications.` String get GUANCHAQIANBAOBUXUYAODAORUSIYAOSHI { return Intl.message( 'Observing a wallet does not require importing a private key, only an address for daily checking of accounts, transaction records, and receiving notifications.', name: 'GUANCHAQIANBAOBUXUYAODAORUSIYAOSHI', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Authorization submission successful` String get SHOUQUANTIJIAOCHENGGONG { return Intl.message( 'Authorization submission successful', name: 'SHOUQUANTIJIAOCHENGGONG', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Authorization submission failed` String get SHOUQUANTIJIAOSHIBAI { return Intl.message( 'Authorization submission failed', name: 'SHOUQUANTIJIAOSHIBAI', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `start using` String get KAISHISHIYONG { return Intl.message( 'start using', name: 'KAISHISHIYONG', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Select Network` String get XUANZEWANGLUO2 { return Intl.message( 'Select Network', name: 'XUANZEWANGLUO2', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Import Method` String get DAORUFANGSHI { return Intl.message( 'Import Method', name: 'DAORUFANGSHI', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `User Agreement` String get YONGHUSIEYI { return Intl.message( 'User Agreement', name: 'YONGHUSIEYI', desc: '', args: [], ); } /// `Select assets that need to cross chain` String get XUANZEXUYAOKUALIANDEZICHAN { return Intl.message( 'Select assets that need to cross chain', name: 'XUANZEXUYAOKUALIANDEZICHAN', desc: '', args: [], ); } } class AppLocalizationDelegate extends LocalizationsDelegate { const AppLocalizationDelegate(); List get supportedLocales { return const [ Locale.fromSubtags(languageCode: 'en'), Locale.fromSubtags(languageCode: 'fr'), Locale.fromSubtags(languageCode: 'ja'), Locale.fromSubtags(languageCode: 'ko'), Locale.fromSubtags(languageCode: 'ru'), Locale.fromSubtags(languageCode: 'zh'), ]; } @override bool isSupported(Locale locale) => _isSupported(locale); @override Future load(Locale locale) => S.load(locale); @override bool shouldReload(AppLocalizationDelegate old) => false; bool _isSupported(Locale locale) { for (var supportedLocale in supportedLocales) { if (supportedLocale.languageCode == locale.languageCode) { return true; } } return false; } }